
Hi, I’m Christina and I am a tinkerer, a designer, a critical thinker, an artist, among many other things.  I always had an insatiable curiosity for figuring out how things worked.  As a child, my mother would find me either playing with paints or blocks, and sometimes even with a screwdriver in hand, taking apart the VCR to fix it.  Back then, most electronics had physically moving parts, which made it easy to follow the inner workings of these machines.  It was something I found fascinating, and felt like I could intuitively understand.

I always had an insatiable curiosity for figuring out how things worked.

As things moved to the digital age, that feeling stayed with me, but evolved along with the devices I used.  Instead of watching gears turn, I was able to look at things like how operating systems worked or websites were built.  One thing that is different with things like programs vs. mechanical devices, is that it opened up a whole world of customization.

Once I understood the logic behind how the fabric came together, I had the power to modify and perfect it.

This also applies to artistic and crafting pursuits, such as knitting and quilting.  Once I understood the logic behind how the fabric came together, I had the power to modify and perfect it.  Any time I saw a pattern, the first thing I would do would be to ask myself, “how do I adjust this to do what I want?”  It could be modifying a sweater pattern to fit me like a glove (or getting a glove to fit like a glove!), or—going back to computers—customizing a toolbar to have the functions I use most frequently easily acceptable.

Any time I saw a pattern, the first thing I would do would be to ask myself, “how do I adjust this to do what I want?”

My constant desire to perfect and optimize the beauty and usability of everything I interact with is what drew me to UI design. It’s the perfect marriage of my technical background and creative side.  One thing that would always drive me crazy is having to choose between form and function.  Why can’t we have both??  That’s a problem I try to tackle with UI design.